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    • An executive order On Creating a Comprehensive Public Transport Safety System has been signed
Подписан Указ «О создании комплексной системы обеспечения безопасности населения на транспорте»

An executive order On Creating a Comprehensive Public Transport Safety System has been signed

  • 12.03.2014

An executive order On Creating a Comprehensive Public Transport Safety System has been signed


For the purpose of a comprehensive public transport safety system intended primarily for the metro and other types of public transport; prevention of emergencies and/or terrorist attacks in the transport systems; public safety; and in accordance with Federal Law as of 9 February 2007 No16-FL On Transport Safety, I hereby resolve:

1. the Government of the Russian Federation shall:

а) within a four-month time approve a comprehensive programme to guarantee public safety in the transport systems, primarily in the metro and other types of public transport, and that involves joint efforts and resources of federal and regional executive and enforcement authorities, including local government agencies empowered thereto;

б) before or on 31 March 2011 complete equipment of the most security-sensitive installations of the transport infrastructure and facilities with special technical systems and devices to protect them against any unlawful tampering;

в) before or on 1 January 2014 complete development of the comprehensive system to guarantee public safety in the transport systems, primarily in the metro and other types of public transport, to prevent emergencies and/or terrorist attacks in the transport systems and ensure public safety;

г) select organization (-s) responsible for development of advanced technical systems for the purpose of protection of the transport infrastructural installations against emergencies and/or terrorist attacks;

д) envisage as much financial means from the federal budget as may be necessary for operation of the comprehensive public transport safety system, primarily in the metro and other types of

public transport, to prevent emergencies and/or terrorist attacks in the transport systems and ensure public safety.

2. appoint the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation as a federal executive authority responsible for the comprehensive public transport safety system, primarily in the metro and other types of public transport, to prevent emergencies and/or terrorist attacks in the transport systems and ensure public safety.

3. direct the regional executive and enforcement authorities and local government agencies, irrespective of their legal entity type and ownership, to provide sites for the special technical means of public transport address, primarily for the metro and other types of public transport, as well as available technical equipment and communication lines for collection and distribution of any information about any emergency situation or its threat and/ or terrorist attacks or their threat.

4. The present executive order shall enter into force from the date of signing thereof.

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